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Louise Coughlin

ACT in Action

I am currently working with a very talented woman. She has given her consent for me to write about a session we had. I'll call her Alison but that is not her real name. Alison was very emotional when she arrived at the session last week. She was concerned that she was spiralling into depression again after a period of doing well. I asked Alison to describe the sky, together we recognised that sometime the sky is red, sometimes, grey, orange, purple or blue and sometimes it is black. The sky is constantly present but the appearance alters depending on the weather. The analogy is that Alison is always present but sometimes her mood will change and remembering this will help her through the difficult times. We spoke about printing some pictures off with different colour skies...however, as I said Alison is a very talented woman, she went one step further and painted these images. I'm pleased to be able to share the pictures with you...and remember that when you are feeling down this will not be forever...this week Alison was smiling again.

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